jeudi 7 février 2008

The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism


"Citizen journalism." It's one of the hottest buzzwords in the news business these days. Many news executives are probably thinking about implementing some sort of citizen-journalism initiative; a small but growing number have already done so. But there's plenty of confusion about citizen journalism. What exactly is it? Is this something that's going to be essential to the future prosperity of news companies?"

DC Title : The 11 Layers of Citizen journalism
DC Creator : OUTING Steve
DC Subject : new media, web, blogs, amateur journalism, layers, resource guide, editors
DC Description : define citizen journalism in 11 points. There are information for editors and journalists for to understand the concept of citizen journalism.
DC Publisher : Poynter
DC Contributor :
DC Date :
2005 - 06 - 15
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language : English
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : The Poynter Institute

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