jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Citizen journalism vs. professional journalism


"Citizen journalism, a concept at which mainstream news organizations used to turn up their nose, has been documented and praised enough that they are now paying attention. But do professional journalists and news organizations really have anything to be worried about?"

DC Title : Citizen journalism vs. professional journalism
DC Creator : BURKE, John
DC Subject : profesional journalism / amateur journalism / new media / journalists
DC Description : Presents the amator journalist, his or her fonction and the principles of the journalism (objectivity, accuracy, corroboration , transparency, editorial oversight).
DC Publisher : The Editors Weblog
DC Contributor :
DC Date : Friday, April 28, 2006
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language : English
DC Relation :
Poynter, The Economist (April 22 print edition, special survey on new media)
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : World Editors Forum

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