jeudi 13 mars 2008

A Citizen Journalism ¨Primer


"Citizen journalism is a hot topic at present, but there remains a degree of conceptual wooliness about its definition and meaning, with everything from lifestyle blogs to live footage of freak weather events being included in this category. This paper will identify factors underpinning the emergence of citizen journalism, including the rise of Web 2.0, rethinking journalism as a professional ideology, the decline of ‘high modernist’ journalism, divergence between elite and popular opinion, changing revenue bases for news production, and the decline of deference in democratic societies."

DC title: A Citizen Journalism Primer
DC creator:
FLEW Terry
DC subject: professional journalism, democratisation, celebrity journalism, user-created content
DC description: presents emergence of citizen journalism with the rise of Web 2.0, the decline of "high modernist" journalism with the divergence between elite and popular opinion and the decline of deference in democratic societies.
Dc publisher: Queensland University of Technology
DC contributor:
DC date :
19 october 2007
DC type: conference paper
DC format: html
DC identifier:

DC source:
DC language:
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DC coverage:
DC rights: Copyright 2007 (please consult author)

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