jeudi 20 mars 2008

The four critiques of 'citizen journalism'


"Since launching the Citizen Journalism Awards to highlight the growing importance of contributions from non-professional journalists to the newsgathering process, Press Gazette has drawn a bit of criticism.
The problem was not so much the concept, which no less than participatory media guru Dan Gillmor deemed a cool idea, but the label we gave it. Many people objected to either the term “citizen journalism” or the way we used it."

DC Title : The four critiques of 'citizen journalism
DC Creator : STABE, Martin
DC Subject : critiques, Citizen Journalism Awars, objection, redundancy, narrow, protectionist, overbroad, participatory journalism
DC Description :
presents Citizen Journalism Awards et four critiques of citizen journalism: ‘protectionist’ objection, ‘overbroad’ objection, ‘narrow’ objection and ‘redundancy’ objection.
DC Publisher : Press Gazette
DC Contributor : /
DC Date :
09 june 2006
DC Type : article
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :

DC Source : /
DC Language :
DC Relation : /
DC Coverage :
DC Rights : Wilmington Business Information

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