jeudi 20 mars 2008

Tagging and Participative Journalism


"Jon Udell has an interesting piece on (among other things) the use of delicious tagging by InfoWorld editors as a way for them to work with each other and also interact with their readers."

DC Title : Tagging and Participative Journalism
DC Creator : Timo (citizen journalist)
DC Subject : tags, tagging, participative journalism, indexation, tagsonomy, folksonomy
DC Description : presents tagsonomy, a collaborative tool with the social bookmarking service for scientists, Connotea of the website. Collections of links gathered by a writer during their research can be released on publication of their article in order to provide readers with further sources of information. Presents qualities and advantage of tags.
DC Publisher : You're It
DC Contributor : /
DC Date :
DC Type : blog article
DC Format : php
DC Identifier :
DC Source :

DC Language : /English
DC Relation : /
DC Coverage :
DC Rights : Copyright © 2008 You’re It

Web 2.0 Expo: Data on Participatory Journalism


"Bill Tancer from Hitwise and Dafe Sifry from Technorati are on stage now, discussing data about the participatory web. The first slide from Bill shows a 668% growth in web 2.0 over the last year, based on the top participatory sites combined (in US), like Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. The next chart is similar, showing just visits to Wikipedia. It outnumbers visits to 1.0 encyclopedia website Encarta over 3400 to 1. The photo category is showing particularly big growth, in terms of web 2.0 sites over web 1.0 sites (flickr vs ofoto for example)."

DC Title : Web 2.0 Expo: Data on Participatory Journalism
DC Creator : Richard Mc Manus
DC Subject :
participatory journalism, web 2.0, blogs, alternative websites, search engines, bloggers, statistics
DC Description : presents a conference about Web 2.0 Expo, personalities talks about the emergence of alternative websites (You Tube, Wikipedia), search engines (Google, Yahoo), the growth of blogs and behaviour of bloggers with statistics.
DC Publisher : Red Write Web
DC Contributor : /
DC Date : April 17, 2007
DC Type : article
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source : /
DC Language : English
DC Relation : /
DC Coverage :
DC Rights : © 2003-2008 ReadWriteWeb

The Collaborative Web


"The essence of the Web is about linking, sharing and collaboration. Productivity and value creation is driven by cooperation.Humans love the myth of the great individual overcoming overwhelming odds to achieve incredible goals. We seem to need to know that someone is in charge; that someone is leading, directing, managing."

DC Title : The Collaborative Web
DC Creator : Mc Govern Gerry
DC Subject : collaborative web, cooperation, participation, network
DC Description : presents web collaborative, there is no one person in charge of the world, web is network. Nobody is in charge of the Web. We all are. And we all can link.
DC Publisher :
Gerry Mc Govern
DC Contributor : /
DC Date : December 10, 2007
DC Type : article
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source : /
DC Language : english
DC Relation :
DC Coverage :
DC Rights : © 1996-2008 Gerry McGovern. All rights reserved.

Defining participatory journalism


"Blogging has become the ultimate form of participatory journalism. Why are so many people interested in blogging? Well as Time magazine wrote in their article Meet Joe Blog "Because they're fast, funny and totally biased."
As PR professionals we have two choices when it comes to blogging, either we can ignore it and hope our company never ends up in a blog or we can monitor blogs related to our business or our clients. "

DC Title : Defining participatory journalism
DC Creator : May Ryan
DC Subject : professional journalism, participatory democracy
DC Description : Presents professionnal journalism for to explain participatory journalism defining journalism and participatory with dictionary.
DC Publisher : Global PR Blog Week 1.0
DC Contributor : /
DC Date : july, december 2004
DC Type : article
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :

DC Source : /
DC Language : English
DC Relation :

DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : Global PR Blog Week 1.0

The four critiques of 'citizen journalism'


"Since launching the Citizen Journalism Awards to highlight the growing importance of contributions from non-professional journalists to the newsgathering process, Press Gazette has drawn a bit of criticism.
The problem was not so much the concept, which no less than participatory media guru Dan Gillmor deemed a cool idea, but the label we gave it. Many people objected to either the term “citizen journalism” or the way we used it."

DC Title : The four critiques of 'citizen journalism
DC Creator : STABE, Martin
DC Subject : critiques, Citizen Journalism Awars, objection, redundancy, narrow, protectionist, overbroad, participatory journalism
DC Description :
presents Citizen Journalism Awards et four critiques of citizen journalism: ‘protectionist’ objection, ‘overbroad’ objection, ‘narrow’ objection and ‘redundancy’ objection.
DC Publisher : Press Gazette
DC Contributor : /
DC Date :
09 june 2006
DC Type : article
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :

DC Source : /
DC Language :
DC Relation : /
DC Coverage :
DC Rights : Wilmington Business Information

jeudi 13 mars 2008

A Citizen Journalism ¨Primer


"Citizen journalism is a hot topic at present, but there remains a degree of conceptual wooliness about its definition and meaning, with everything from lifestyle blogs to live footage of freak weather events being included in this category. This paper will identify factors underpinning the emergence of citizen journalism, including the rise of Web 2.0, rethinking journalism as a professional ideology, the decline of ‘high modernist’ journalism, divergence between elite and popular opinion, changing revenue bases for news production, and the decline of deference in democratic societies."

DC title: A Citizen Journalism Primer
DC creator:
FLEW Terry
DC subject: professional journalism, democratisation, celebrity journalism, user-created content
DC description: presents emergence of citizen journalism with the rise of Web 2.0, the decline of "high modernist" journalism with the divergence between elite and popular opinion and the decline of deference in democratic societies.
Dc publisher: Queensland University of Technology
DC contributor:
DC date :
19 october 2007
DC type: conference paper
DC format: html
DC identifier:

DC source:
DC language:
DC relation:
DC coverage:
DC rights: Copyright 2007 (please consult author)

jeudi 7 février 2008

‘Participatory journalism' making news, breaking barriers


"Participatory journalism is here to stay, is the consensus among online journalism experts who spoke on a panel on grassroots journalism at the Online New Association conference in New York on Saturday.
In a rapidly shifting climate in which online news sites incorporate blogs, phlogs, wikis, Web casts, podcasts, forums and other interactive tools to increase their readership, the concern isn’t so much about whether participatory journalism is a lasting trend, so much as how to use it effectively, the experts acknowledged."

DC Title : ‘Participatory journalism' making news, breaking barriers
DC Creator : ANDRADE Kara
DC Subject : participatory journalism / blogs / wikis / credibility
DC Description : presents participatory journalism with its qualities and faults and the consequences of this new power for Internet users.
DC Publisher : ONA Convention Online Staff
DC Contributor :
DC Date : October 29, 2005
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language :
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : Online News Association

How bloggers can become good journalists


"Blogs, podcasts and e-newsletters make it easy for anyone to be a journalist. But just as the debut of desktop publishing led to some very ugly documents, these newer tools are spawning some very sloppy journalism, which does no good for the reputation of participatory media. Here are some tips on how good journalists do useful work"

DC Title : How bloggers can become good journalists
DC Creator : CRITCHLEY Spencer
DC Subject : blogger, participatory journalism, journalist, advice, amateurs, bloggers, amateur journalism
DC Description : presents advice in ten points for bloggers, who want to become good journalists, because are amators with participatory journalism and not journalists.
DC Publisher : Our Media
DC Contributor :
DC Date
DC Type :
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language : English
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : Outhink Media and Drupal

The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism


"Citizen journalism." It's one of the hottest buzzwords in the news business these days. Many news executives are probably thinking about implementing some sort of citizen-journalism initiative; a small but growing number have already done so. But there's plenty of confusion about citizen journalism. What exactly is it? Is this something that's going to be essential to the future prosperity of news companies?"

DC Title : The 11 Layers of Citizen journalism
DC Creator : OUTING Steve
DC Subject : new media, web, blogs, amateur journalism, layers, resource guide, editors
DC Description : define citizen journalism in 11 points. There are information for editors and journalists for to understand the concept of citizen journalism.
DC Publisher : Poynter
DC Contributor :
DC Date :
2005 - 06 - 15
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language : English
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : The Poynter Institute

jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Citizen journalism vs. professional journalism


"Citizen journalism, a concept at which mainstream news organizations used to turn up their nose, has been documented and praised enough that they are now paying attention. But do professional journalists and news organizations really have anything to be worried about?"

DC Title : Citizen journalism vs. professional journalism
DC Creator : BURKE, John
DC Subject : profesional journalism / amateur journalism / new media / journalists
DC Description : Presents the amator journalist, his or her fonction and the principles of the journalism (objectivity, accuracy, corroboration , transparency, editorial oversight).
DC Publisher : The Editors Weblog
DC Contributor :
DC Date : Friday, April 28, 2006
DC Type : Text
DC Format : html
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Language : English
DC Relation :
Poynter, The Economist (April 22 print edition, special survey on new media)
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights : World Editors Forum

jeudi 24 janvier 2008


Amateur : a person who takes part in a sport, … without being paid for that
Amateur : individu peu compétent dans un domaine

: a person who keeps a Weblog (blog) or publish an online diary
Bloggeur : Internaute qui publie un blog et le met à jour régulièrement.

Citizen Journalism: c
itizen journalism is the act of citizens "playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information
Journalisme citoyen: le journalisme citoyen est l'utilisation des outils de communication (site web, blog,forum, wiki...), par des millions de particuliers dans le monde comme moyens de création et d'information

Journalism : t
he occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organisation as a business
Journalisme : ensemble des activités se rapportant à la rédaction des organes de presse, de tout genre et de toute périodicité.

Internet : v
ast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide
Internet : réseau informatique mondial constitué d'un ensemble de réseaux nationaux, régionaux et privés, qui sont reliés par le protocole de communication TCP-IP

Participatory journalism : t
he line between journalism and personal publishing is a blurry one, thanks to new ubiquitous tools that make it possible for anyone to publish and report news.
Journalisme participatif : articles rédigés par les citoyens

: printed publications collectively, especially newspaper and periodicals
Presse: ensemble des publications périodiques, principalement des journaux quotidiens.

Web 2.0 : "Web 2.0 il the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move tu the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform" (Tim O’Reilly)
Web 2.0 : basculement des techniques vers les services, nouveau réseau d’intéractions sociales. (

Weblog :
a website that displays in chronological order the postings by one or more individuals and usually has links to comments on specific postings
Blog : site Web personnel tenu par un ou plusieurs blogueurs qui s'expriment librement et selon une certaine périodicité, sous la forme d'articles, informatifs ou intimistes à la manière d'un journal de bord.

Wiki : a collaboratif website whose content can be edited by anyone who has access to it.

Wiki : site Web collaboratif où chaque internaute visiteur peut participer facilement à la rédaction de son contenu.